Ok, nothing is future-proof. But some frameworks are longer-lasting. This post is about 11ty.
I like to build my own websites and experiment with design, code, and content. But that flexibility means using a frontend framework like Angular or Vue. Or React, which I've avoided.
These frameworks are convoluted. Returning to a site after months of neglect requires relearning how it works. It usually requires updates, too... if it's not obsolete. That's a lot of friction to add new conent.
Static site generators (great concept) like Gatsby can have similar issues. I appreciate the GraphQL support but for small projects it's too much.
The solution may be a static site generator called 11ty (Eleventy) which, so far, feels like a real winner. It's lightweight, the folder structure is what you’d expect, and there aren’t a dozen configuration files. It uses Javascript and it's flexible. I built Gruffo's new (March 2021) site using 11ty.
Also, like Gatsby, 11ty can use markdown files for posts. That means posts are portable so it's easy to switch to a new (or no) framework. It's also convenient to edit posts locally in a markdown editor. Plus, in addition to being committed to your git repo, posts can be backed up as part of a local backup plan since they're just markdown files.
Using a service like Netlify or Render allows for automatic deployments of changes, too. Simply push changes to your git repo and they get deployed automatically. Frictionless.
I enjoy learning new things to create new things, but I don't enjoy learning new things to create the same things. Especially if they're not saving me any time.
Going forward my focus will be on tools that are long-lasting.