Unity is a 3d engine for game development. Installation on a Mac isn't difficult but there are a few hurdles.
Install Unity.
Install dotnet and mono. These packages are for C# scripting on a mac and may be required. I like to use Homebrew for new installs. Homebrew is a cleaner way to add (and later remove) packages. With Homebrew installed run the following commands in your Terminal:
brew install dotnet
brew install monoIf you want to learn more about a package before installing it run
brew info [packagename]
likebrew info dotnet
. -
Install an IDE. You need an app to edit C# files. I recommend Visual Studio Code (VSCode). It's free and lightweight.
- Install the C# helper. If you're using VSCode, install the C# extension by Microsoft. It will add suggestions and hints to your code.
Set your default script editor. In Unity go to Preferences > External Editor and select VSCode (or your editor of choice). This will open script files in the context of your Unity project.
Configure build settings. In the Unity Hub go to Installs, find the Unity version you're using, and click on the three dots (options menu) next to it. Select Add Modules and choose the platforms you want to build for.
You're ready to make a game!